Fiberglass, The Ideal Green Material For Today And Tomorrow

It is often the case that aiming for aesthetics and addressing the concerns of durability, variety, cost, and flexibility do not quite go hand in hand. This is especially apparent in the case of statues. It is interesting to note that when we visit gardens, theme parks, museums, or any other open or closed spaces, the sight of a statue comes as an added attraction. Just imagine taking your kids to a theme park with a large dinosaur statue. The very sight of such a statue for sure would make your kids ecstatic and satiate their longing for the world they have read about but seldom seen. However, the aesthetic appeal of the statues seems to increase when they appear to merge with the surroundings as opposed to sticking out like a sore thumb. For example, the galvanized statue of an animal in a natural park would look out of place for its inability to appear as a part of the surroundings. 

How the type of material matters?

Although the skills of an artist make a statue attractive, the type of material used can often limit the scope of an artist. For example, carving intricate patterns on stone or galvanized steel can be difficult compared to clay. The intrinsic property of a material in terms of flexibility or the ability to lend itself to any form can mean the difference between achieving realism or falling short of it. Thus, the diffused or flexible state of clay makes it easier for an artist to give it any shape vis-a-vis the solidity of a stone. This is not to suggest that statues carved out of stones do not have intricate patterns, for there are plenty of examples around us where artists seemed to have made the stone ‘talk’.

The new kid on the block – fiberglass
This new age material made of molten glass threads and resin gel among others has brought about a revolution of sorts in building statues or objects of many shapes and sizes. The ability of the material to mould itself into any form or size makes it a favourite with artists. Be it carving a comic book character, a mythological figure or any inanimate object, fiberglass can make it look real. Besides, the material comes with plenty of advantages as well.

  • Since there is no iron content and the material being sealed by a resin gel coat, there is no chance for corrosion or rust formation.
  • Available in plenty of colours, fiberglass statues or any other fiberglass made objects do not need to be repainted later as they come with a resin rich gel coat colour.

  • Any graffiti or smudges on these statues can be easily washed/wiped clean
  • Custom built for any size or shape and the ability to merge with the surroundings enhance the statues’ aesthetic appeal.
  • No effect on account of their exposure to elements (rain, snow, heat, cold and moisture) and a corrosive environment such as salt water, acids, alkali, humidity etc.
  • Durable, clean, strong, stable and quick to install.
  • Environmentally clean as the process of making the statue does not involve the use of harsh chemicals.


Statues made of fiberglass material bring their own aesthetics value and advantages. They are the ideal ‘green’ material of today and tomorrow.


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